Higher Heights She’s Got Next Video Series are compiling videos of Black women candidates sharing their personal stories and vision for this country. This weekend, we are asking you to share these videos with your network and encourage your network to share them as well.
Below you will find links to the videos on Higher Heights PAC social media channels. Please, like, share, and retweet with your network and on your social platforms as we near election day.
Cheri Beasley for U.S. Senate- North Carolina
Follow Cheri on Twitter at @CheriBeasleyNC and Instagram at @cheribeasleync
Val Demings for U.S. Senate- Florida
Stacey Abrams for Governor of Georgia
Follow Stacey on Twitter at @staceyabrams and Instagram at @staceyabrams
Deirdre DeJear for Governor of Iowa
Follow Deirde on Twitter at @DeidreDeJear and Instagram at @deidredejear
Tish James for Attorney General of New York – New York
Follow Tish on Twitter at @TishJames and Instagram at @letitiajamesforny
Jackie Gordan for U.S. Congress – New York
Follow Jackie on Twitter at @VoteJackie4NY and Instagram at @votejackie4ny
Emilia Sykes for U.S. Congress – Ohio
Follow Emilia on Twitter at @EmiliaSykesOH and Instagram at @emilia_sykes
Odessa Kelly for U.S. Congress – Tennessee
Follow Odessa on Twitter at @OdessaKellyTN and Instagram at @odessakellytn
Thank you for supporting the important work of Higher Heights as we help to uplift Black women candidates across the country.