Higher Heights for America Endorses Tishaura Jones for Re-Election as St. Louis Mayor

Higher Heights for America, a national organization dedicated to expanding Black women’s political participation and elected representation, has officially announced its endorsement of Mayor Tishaura Jones in her bid for re-election as the Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri.
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Higher Heights for America PAC is the only political action committee exclusively dedicated to electing more progressive Black women at the federal and statewide levels and as mayors in the 100 most populated U.S. cities. Higher Heights PAC only raises money from Higher Heights members, so our political work is 100% grassroots. Sign up to stay connected Higher Heights today.
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Number of Black women who are eligible to vote

67% are registered.


Number of Black women serving in the U.S. House of Representatives

This is the most ever. But we still account for just 4.1% of all House members while being 6.8% of the population.


Percent of assets donated by Black households to charity

Compared to the 2% donated by their White counterparts. Imagine if we committed a small percentage of this to political giving.