Christine Alexandria Olivo was born and raised in Miami-Dade. She is a first generation American, her family is from Haiti. Throughout her life she has always had to work two or three jobs at a time to take care of herself and her family. She is currently an educator at Holy Cross Christian School where she teaches 6th-8th grade. In addition to that, Christine is also a small business owner. She just completed her Master’s degree in Business at Barry University. She originally had to drop out of college when she was 20 in order to save her family from losing their house. Her family lost it anyway and they’ve been displaced ever since. Christine is married and has two beautiful boys. She refuses to let them grow up in the same circumstances that she did. She wants her children to be able to afford to live in their hometown. She wants her children to go to college without carrying debt. She wants her children to be able to work one job and earn a living wage. She wants all of these things for your children as well.
The incumbent has held political office since Christine was 5 years old. That is over 3 decades ago. We should not have to wait three decades for change. Change can happen now. Christine is running because it is time for new leadership. This district has been represented by Republican Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart and his Brother Republican Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart since 1993. It is time to flip this district and strengthen the Democratic Majority in the House of Representatives.