Michelle Maldonado

For U.S. Congress (VA-10)

Portrait ofFor U.S. Congress (VA-10)

Position Sought

U.S. House of Representatives (VA-10)

Current Position

Virginia House of Delegates (D-20)

Date of Primary Election

June 18, 2024


Michelle Maldonado brings a wealth of experience representing various sectors of the community, having served as a state legislator across two districts (HD20 and HD50). Raised by educators and inspired by her pioneering grandparents, Michelle’s upbringing traversed rural, farming, and suburban environments, imbuing her with firsthand experiences of food and housing insecurity. As an American of Cape Verdean descent, Michelle’s roots instilled in her the values of hard work and resilience.

Michelle pursued her education at Barnard College and The George Washington University Law School, becoming the first woman in her family to earn a law degree. Married to Roberto, a middle school teacher and U.S. Air Force veteran, Michelle is deeply rooted in the Manassas community, prioritizing family, service, and integrity. Breaking barriers, she was the first woman and person of color to represent Virginia’s 50th House District and currently serves District 20, known for its diversity and significant Latino population.

With a commitment to bridging divides and finding practical solutions, Michelle’s leadership extends across diverse groups, from youth organizations to international peace efforts. Experienced in navigating complex challenges, she has engaged with communities nationwide, from addressing border issues to supporting those affected by crises like the Flint water crisis and the events of January 6th.

Michelle’s legislative record reflects her dedication to inclusive representation and effective governance. Recognized as an “Impact Maker” by Virginia Business Magazine and a “Legislative Champion” by the Virginia Education Association, she serves on multiple committees and chairs critical subcommittees. During the 2024 legislative session, Michelle demonstrated her ability to drive bipartisan collaboration by passing a significant number of bills, including unanimous approvals across party lines.

Additionally, Michelle’s commitment to progress is evident through her involvement in various Virginia boards and commissions, including the Joint Commission on Technology and Science, the Virginia Growth & Opportunity Board, and the Health Insurance Reform Commission, among others. Through her multifaceted leadership, Michelle remains dedicated to advocating for the rights and resources of all Virginians, prioritizing inclusivity, innovation, and effective governance.